kvc consultants ltd.
About Genpact
Genpact  stands for “generating business impact.” We design, transform, and run intelligent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. The result is advanced operating models that foster growth and manage cost, risk, and compliance across a range of functions such as finance and procurement, financial services account servicing, claims management, regulatory affairs, and industrial asset optimization. Our hundreds of long-term clients include more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 – and of those, over 10 are in the top 25.
Genpact began in 1997 as a business unit within General Electric – and this heritage contributes to our deep understanding of process. As GE made Lean and Six Sigma pervasive, Genpact applies this same industrial engineering ethos to business processes operations. Built with this single-minded passion for process science and operational excellence, Genpact’s Smart Enterprise Processes (SEPSM) methodology helps companies reimagine how they operate by integrating effective Systems of Engagement SM, core IT, and Data-to-Action Analytics SM.
2nd Floor, OM Complex, Opp Nirula's, Naya Bans, Sector 15,Noida - 201301
Call - +91-9821182648 & 9821182651
1-A, Sapru Marg, 1st Floor, Shrawan Plaza, Opp. SSP Niwas, Lucknow - 226001
Call - +91-9628373762 & 9628373767
1. Job Profile: Customer Support / Technical Support Officer ( Voice Profile)
Excellent Communication skills in English & any one regional language Understands LAN, WAN, OS concepts.

Salary for Freshers 1.45 Lakhs per annum, Experienced up to 3.5 Lakhs per annum
Qualification: Any Graduates/ Post Graduates, BE / B Tech Can Also Apply

Other Job Details:
  • 5 day work week (rotational)
  • Joining date: Immediate
2. Job Profile: Blended Profile( Voice/Non-Voice )
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE- Invoice Processing in SAP, PO/ Non PO Processing,Critical Vendor, Vendor reconciliations,Manage incoming queries & invoice processing,Handle vendor master maintenance
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES- Collect on past due invoices,Maintain customers profile and portfolio effectively,Provide update on accounts to the customer, Complete ownership on individual portfolio of accounts

Salary for Freshers 1.50 Lakhs per annum , Experienced up to 3.5 Lakhs per annum

Qualification: B.Com,M.Com Can Apply

Other Job Details:
  • 5 day work week (rotational)
  • Joining date: Immediate


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